Pistol Practice Session




SKU: N/A Category:

Dates and locations vary but all practice sessions last 3 hours.

Check our calendar for details.



Defensive firearms skills are extremely perishable if not properly maintained, and performing proficiency maintenance can be expensive, time-consuming, and unproductive if not done correctly. Alumni of Gravitas Protection Group Defensive Firearms Courses are able to sign up for regularly held Defensive Firearm Practice Sessions. Each practice session is limited to 3 hours and has a round count of 300 rounds or less! These sessions are designed to help our students maintain and improve their firearms proficiency. No two practice sessions are the same but they all fall into one of three categories:

  • Pistol Practice Sessions
    • Must have completed the Defensive Pistol Course
  • Rifle Practice Sessions
    • Must have completed the Defensive Rifle Course
  • Low Light Rifle and Pistol Sessions
    • Must have completed the Low Light Defensive Pistol Course and Low Light Defensive Rifle Course.


Required Equipment and Ammunition for each session are posted on the calendar, but when in doubt bring what you brought to your Defensive Firearms Course and 300 rounds of ammunition.


Cost: $100 per student per session


July 20th, 1:30PM-3:30PM, September 21st, 1:30PM-3:30PM (Burnet, TX), November 9th, 1:30PM-3:30PM (Burnet, TX), December 21st, 1:30PM-3:30PM (Burnet, TX)

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